Blog English

The May Song or the Sad Story of Crazy Queen

Here is another episode from the series ‘Every song has a story so why not tell it’. Today we’re going to Spain. Olé. Springtime Quiz! How many May Songs are there? Hundreds, I guess. They are usually very merry; but one particularly melancholy one is the Spanish ‘Por mayo era, por mayo’ (‘When it was in May, in May’) and

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Blog English

Sting & the Elizabethan luteplayer

Let’s go back to the year 1597. As the Spanish are importing their potatoes from South America, the English sit down at their kitchen tables and sing. Printing on demand has just been invented and Queen Elizabeth I turns out to be really cultural, so… why not, thought the early printing men, publish one song book after another? Musical life

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Blog English

Sound & muscle

Jack is originally from California but he has lived in the Lot department for ten years. He is 76 years old, he practices yoga on a daily basis, prepares his own Bulgarian yoghurt, is an avid swimmer and used to be a windsurfer until well into his fifties. Today is his first singing lesson and he is completely fascinated by

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